Beginning the “Like Grandma Made” Challenge for WellBeing


It took longer than I’d thought to get here, but I’m ready to get started.  I’ve started getting back on track for rest and am over most of my sleep problems (thank GOODNESS for ZIESTA!), and am starting to think clearly again. I’m ready for the Like Grandma Made Challenge I’ve been planning for some time now.


Spring is Time for New WellBeing Beginnings

Spring is hinting at starting where I live.  I know it’s definitely started on the calendar, but I also know that winter storms like to creep in during later March and even into April at times.  I’m not going to pretend that it’s time to put all my winter gear away, but this mild weather is doing a lot for my mood and my motivation to get a wellbeing lifestyle going at full speed. 

It’s hard to start that kind of thing in the winter. I didn’t realize how hard it would be, especially with pandemic lockdowns and restrictions always changing and occasionally kicking the wind out of me. The change in season has helped me to be ready to change my lifestyle habits, too.  The bad weather gave me the time to get my plan together and get my motivation together. Now, I’m ready for the Like Grandma Made Challenge I’ve created.

What is the Like Grandma Made Challenge?

I made it up. If you’ve been following my blog for a while, you’ll know that I’m seeking a lifestyle of wellbeing based on living the way my grandmothers, great grandmothers and women of generations past have traditionally done things. Then, I mix that concept with what today’s science supports.  After all, while I do think it’s important to eat more whole foods, understand where your food comes from, be a part of your community and go to sleep at a good hour, I’m also not going to think that I should take some of the zany home remedies that used to be taken and that did more harm than good.

I’m happy to take on the habits of generations of women that are still valid today, while using what we now know so that I can avoid some of the missteps that were taken back then because the knowledge simply wasn’t there yet.

That’s what the Like Grandma Made Challenge is all about.  Taking on a lifestyle habits like what generations past were using and applying their best parts to build my wellbeing.

How I’m Starting My Like Grandma Made Challenge

Last October, I outlined the different parts I’m focusing on during my WellBeing Journey. I’m trying to use the Like Grandma Made Challenge to make sure I add a step in each of the categories.  I was going to do something new in each category every month, but as I’ve thought this out, that seems overwhelming.  Instead, in honor of springtime, I’m going to add to it every season. 

My New Spring Habits on My WellBeing Journey

Here are the categories for my WellBeing Journey and how I’m taking each one on for the Spring stage of my Like Grandma Made Challenge.

  • Nutrition – Preparing more meals and snacks from whole foods instead of heat-and-eat or take-out.
  • Fitness – Walking 5 times per week, strength training 1 time per week, yoga 1 time per week.
  • Sleep – Setting a bedtime and waking time…for every single day.
  • Mindfulness – Meditation at least one time per week
  • Health – I’ll let the other categories cover my physical health, but I’m joining a mental health program, too.
  • Skin care – Better skin care, not just what’s cheapest.
  • Education – I’m going to take a class. Maybe a French class? I’ll make my decision, soon.  Have a suggestion? Please share it with me on Facebook or Twitter.
  • Social – Not a huge amount I can do on this level right now. So, I’m going to focus on random acts of kindness. I’ll post about that on Facebook and Twitter, too!
  • Environment – I’m going to cut back on the disposable stuff I started using again when the pandemic started. If I can safely avoid it, I will.

These are all pretty small things, but that’s the point.  For one thing, this is my first month of the Like Grandma Makes Challenge. I don’t want to overwhelm myself and put myself off doing it. Also, next month, I’ll create a new list.  Who knows what I’ll take on.  Many of these things, I’ll continue doing because they’re going to take more than a month. That said, once the next month rolls around, I’ll add to each category. 

Want to join me in the Like Grandma Makes Challenge? You don’t need to copy my categories. Even one thing every month can be great! If you’re taking part, use #LikeGrandmaMadeChallenge and please do tag me if you want me to see it! I’ll be sure to check it out if you do!

PS - in case you're wondering...I am listening to Hamilton again. Love it still!

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