Using a Gratitude Journal for the First time
Before I start to talk about starting my gratitude journal, I should get something out of the way. I suffer from depression. I'm not always depressed, but I always have depression. It sucks. It's part of the reason I've started this journey to wellbeing. Gratitude Journaling for Depression I've been hearing about gratitude journaling a lot over the last while, particularly since last March when everything changed. For some reason, I've been resistant to it. Last week, I hit an emotional low. Not for any big reason, but probably for a million tiny ones. it's easy to bottom-out on an emotional level these days. One of the things I've learned about managing my depression (and let's get this straight, I'm not a shrink and I'm not any kind of expert . This is what works for me - mostly - so I'm not saying it will work for you) is to do something. It doesn't mean I need to start some new project. Doing something might just mean getting out of ...