
Showing posts from October, 2020

Using a Gratitude Journal for the First time

Before I start to talk about starting my gratitude journal, I should get something out of the way. I suffer from depression. I'm not always depressed, but I always have depression. It sucks. It's part of the reason I've started this journey to wellbeing. Gratitude Journaling for Depression I've been hearing about gratitude journaling a lot over the last while, particularly since last March when everything changed. For some reason, I've been resistant to it. Last week, I hit an emotional low. Not for any big reason, but probably for a million tiny ones. it's easy to bottom-out on an emotional level these days. One of the things I've learned about managing my depression (and let's get this straight, I'm not a shrink and I'm not any kind of expert . This is what works for me - mostly - so I'm not saying it will work for you) is to do something. It doesn't mean I need to start some new project. Doing something might just mean getting out of

Why I Stopped Listening to 'Hamilton'

As a part of my wellbeing journey, I've been trying to take a fresh look at all the choices I've been making in my life. not all at once, of course, but gradually. Over the last week, I've been thinking about the music choices I've been making. As a part of that, I've decided to stop listening to Hamilton , at least for a while. Important note : I absolutely love Hamilton . I love it . This is not a hate piece against it. It's fantastic, amazing, beautiful, clever, and all good things. This is not me saying I'll never listen to it again. I'm also not recommending that other people stop listening to it. In fact, if you haven't seen/heard it, I'd recommend you pop on out of that rock you've been living under give it a try. it's amazing. Anyway... Music For WellBeing   So here's the thing. Since July 4, I've listening to the entire Hamilton playlist at least once per week. Often many, many more times than that. At times, it has