
Beginning the “Like Grandma Made” Challenge for WellBeing

  It took longer than I’d thought to get here, but I’m ready to get started.   I’ve started getting back on track for rest and am over most of my sleep problems (thank GOODNESS for ZIESTA !), and am starting to think clearly again. I’m ready for the Like Grandma Made Challenge I’ve been planning for some time now.   Spring is Time for New WellBeing Beginnings Spring is hinting at starting where I live.   I know it’s definitely started on the calendar, but I also know that winter storms like to creep in during later March and even into April at times.   I’m not going to pretend that it’s time to put all my winter gear away, but this mild weather is doing a lot for my mood and my motivation to get a wellbeing lifestyle going at full speed.   It’s hard to start that kind of thing in the winter. I didn’t realize how hard it would be, especially with pandemic lockdowns and restrictions always changing and occasionally kicking the wind out of me. The change in season has helped me t

Giving Natural Sleep Remedies a Try for the First Time

It’s time to try some natural sleep remedies. I was planning to write a different post today, but I’m just too tired. I can’t sleep, and I’ve been struggling for a while.   According to my Fitbit, the best sleep I had in all of February was a broken 7 hours.   How Many Hours of Sleep Do I Need? I used to need a ton of hours just to feel rested. Now, if I can get a solid 7, I can get by comfortably. I’m really at my best when I’m closer to 8.   The more broken it is, the more hours I seem to need. I know we all have bouts of insomnia from time to time, but mine has been such a struggle that I am making sleep my number one WellBeing Clare priority right now. Yes, I’m trying to focus on my wellness as a whole, but this requires some emergency intervention. Just like I would eat anything if I was genuinely starving, despite my focus on nutrition, I need to do something now to get some sleep, because I’m just not getting the rest I need.    Why I’m Trying Natural Sleep Remedies

Sleep Struggles Make My WellBeing Journey More Important, but Happiness Harder to Find

I've been facing some frustrating sleep struggles. An active mind. An overactive mind. A noisy mind. It feels like I'm always awake no matter how tired I am. It makes it tough to keep up with my wellbeing journey and feel happy when I'm always zonked.  What is Causing My Sleep Struggles? It started in December.  It was already declining in November, but it got real in December. That's when my life got really busy, and I had to face a lot of change.  I know it's not weird for things to get difficult in December, but I didn't want to just assume that January would fix it on its own.  Things have been so different lately compared to how they've been for the rest of my life.  To me, this means that I can't just assume that my life will fix itself.  There were layoffs at my work (which I survived...please knock on wood for me!), I've been separated from my family for over a year (I'm in Canada for school, but my immediate family lives in New York)

Simple Homemade Hummus on Easy Homemade Sourdough: Best Comfort Snack Ever

I can’t honestly say that a homemade hummus recipe was included in the box of recipes I got from my grandmother . That said, it did contain a very easy sourdough that I recently got the nerve to try out for the first time (no idea why I’ve been too scared to do it until now). Having tried both recipes within the same couple of days, it was inevitable that the homemade hummus recipe would end up on my homemade sourdough recipe…and it’s one of the best things ever!   My Favorite Comfort Food Snack of 2021 So Far I like different kinds of dips. An easy homemade hummus recipe always has lots of appeal to me because it sounds a lot more complicated than it is. The thing about me is that I am not a fan of raw veggie snacks in the winter.   In the summer, I could eat them all day long. In the winter, it’s a completely different story! They’re too cold!   I want something that makes me feel warm in my belly, not something I’ll want to wear gloves to eat so my fingertips don’t go numb